9 Things Motherhood Taught Me
At 17 I became a mom it hasn’t been an easy journey but I’ve learned so much about life & love through this experience as their guardian. So I’ve made a list of a few lessons I choose 9 because that’s my number lol. Here it goes: -
Be Still and Know
Have you ever felt so tired with your job, relationship, or life in general? You may feel like you’re not we want to be & know you can’t continue to feel this way. However you also don’t know where you’re going, how to get there, or what to do next. -
Having Faith Through The Storms Of Life
Do you have FAITH to believe that whatever you're going through will be a lesson or blessing? I know sometimes it's hard to see God through the storms in our lives whether it's job loss, death, failed relationship, illness, people who we love walking out of our lives, or not getting what we want. It is during the storms of our lives...