Woman Be Well
Wellness is so important for us because setting the intention to take care of ourselves and following that intention with action is how we learn to love ourselves. We often believe that through being loved from others we'll finally feel grounded and settled, but I've found that through learning to love ourselves, we're not only able to be present to our true needs but we're also able to be present to those we care about. As a woman of color in wellness, I think it's important to be a part of the conversation of self-care and create a space where women can grow and build community. With the community I've built, I share my journey and through that, we all feel connected in the discovery of navigating our individual lives as we realize we're not that different. And that awareness helps us all heal
Wellness Woman Academy
from $99.99
Wellness Woman Academy
About this transformational program: This one-of-a-kind experience is for the woman who wants to deepen her personal development and connection to her Mind, Body, and Soul. Using Value based fitness principles. Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy...
from $99.99
Mindfulness & Marijuana Hike
from $35.00
Mindfulness & Marijuana Hike
Fall is here!! Before you know it it'll be winter. What a great time to plant seeds of wellness before seasonal depression hits. Mindfulness & Marijuana Hike Join us for a rejuvenating afternoon hike followed by infused tea or lemonade!...
from $35.00
Mindful Birth Experience
Mindful Birth Experience
Focus the MindCalm the BodyOpen the HeartTo Labor and Parent with Presence First of all I would like to congratulate you on your blessing(s). I'm honored to assist you in creating a plan to help you clear out any trapped...
Refill Your Cup Sis Royal Tea Party
What is self care & wellness when it comes to being a woman or a mother? How often are you refilling your cup. You're more than a mother and more than what you can do. It's not just hair, nails,massages,...